Sunday, April 22, 2007

Just So, a.k.a. Things God Loves About Me

Designers will tell you that nothing about their work is arbitrary. Every curve in the car’s body, every stitch in the cloth, every pixel of color, every square, circle, trapezium and squiggly – they are all there exactly as the designer wanted. Just-so. While directing plays, I realized that the concept applies there too – all the little quirky stuff, all the little touches that were apparently arbitrary – well, the truth is that the play would not have been the same without those touches. In some weird inexplicable way, all the arbitrariness falls into its rightful place.

And so, if the Bible tells me that as God’s creation, I am made exactly like that – unique, but every intricate detail about me being planned – well, I would tend to believe it. It’s the little things that make up the big picture for God, I can tell you that! He is kicked by my quirks, my eccentricities, my hair that has never seen a Good Hair Day, my long eyelashes, my snafu and soul-patch, my enormous Adam’s Apple, my big feet, my uninterrupted alimentary canal, my lack of a rear-end, my skeletal frame, my Hardly-Davidson, my poor dress sense, my wackiness, my PJ’s, my inability to remember birthdays, my inability to stop talking, my insistence on finding new ways to fill up my Embarrassing Moments to-do list, my highs, my lows, my inability to ever get in-between the highs and lows, my good poetry, my bad poetry, my inability to get off my behind and start practising the guitar, my inability to see a good opportunity when it comes, my desperate attempts to latch on to bad opportunities, and of course my love of Yanni’s music. Yeah. He does love me as I am. Why wouldn’t He? – He made me like that, and I’m a masterpiece, so obviously these aren’t flaws. You see?

I am not an accident, the Good Book say. I am what I am because there is a God!

I find that cool because there’s nothing then about me that I will not be able to accept. Not my physical appearance, not my parents, not my background, not my personality, and not even the darn situation I am in now that I keep cribbing about. I guess I’ll fight it now, and cuss around until someone throws me off a building or thwacks me across the head, but there’s always the Good Ole Happy Ending, where we always end with that famous Retrospect Refrain: there is a God!!


kavita said...

hey...have you read velvet elvis??

Hannah Sanders said...

hiya Pramod! i enjoyed reading this :)

Jane George said...

nice stuff! write some more pramod! :)